Flood Watch 2025 - Omaha Valley and Carter Lake

Fort Peck > Garrison Dam > Fort Randall Dam > Gavins Point Dam
Above graph tabular data (PDF)
Main Stem Regulation Forecast (PDF)
3 Week Graph Forecast (PDF)
Missouri River Basin Weekly Update (PDF)
Gavins Point Daily Release Schedule
Daily River Bulletin (PDF)
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NOAA Radio
Do you love your family? Want to keep them safe? Then get a NOAA Weather Radio with EAS audio alarms. For the same reason that we have smoke detectors to detect smoke, our family has an EAS weather radio to detect dangerous weather.
NWR broadcasts NWS warnings, watches, forecasts and other non-weather related hazard information 24 hours a day. During an emergency, NWS forecasters interrupt routine broadcasts and send a special tone activating local weather radios. Weather radios with a special alarm tone feature are equipped to sound an alert to give immediate information about life-threatening weather.
Radios with S.A.M.E. receive the same alerts and warnings as the NOAA radios, but allow users to adjust reception for specific counties. This keeps false alarms to a minimum.
Our Midland WR-300 S.A.M.E. EAS weather radio is programmed to sound an alert day or night when severe weather threatens Pottawattamie or Douglas counties.