NOAA Radio
NWR broadcasts NWS warnings, watches, forecasts and other non-weather related hazard information 24 hours a day. During an emergency, NWS forecasters interrupt routine broadcasts and send a special tone activating local weather radios. Weather radios with a special alarm tone feature are equipped to sound an alert to give immediate information about life-threatening weather.
Radios with S.A.M.E. receive the same alerts and warnings as the NOAA radios, but allow users to adjust reception for specific counties. This keeps false alarms to a minimum.
Our Station: NOAA Weather Station KIH61, serving Omaha and surrounding areas - 162.4 MHz - 1000 watts of power
NOAA Radio
The NWS Radio Streaming Project
Weather Underground Streaming Audio Server
An Inexpensive Weather Radio Can Save Lives
Weather Radio Buyer's Guide
RadioShack Guide to Weather Radios
Fast Facts
WIND CHILL - The wind chill temperature is what the temperature "feels like" to people and animals during cold weather. Wind chill is based on the rate of heat loss from exposed skin caused by wind and cold. As the wind increases, it draws heat from the body, driving down skin temperature and eventually the internal body temperature. Once temperatures drop below 10 °F and the wind is gusting, conditions are ripe for cold-related illnesses. Below -5 °F, any wind is a major factor in frostbite and hypothermia.
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