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Sunrise: 7:17am
Sunset: 7:40pm
Temperature 33.8 °F Temperature Falling
45.1°F at 12:00 am
33.8°F at 6:08 am
-1.5 °F /hr
-2.6 °F /2 hr
Humidity 81% Humidity Rising
81% at 5:56 am
62% at 12:00 am
+1% /hr
+2% /2 hr
Pressure 30.111 in. Pressure Rising
30.111 in. at 6:11 am
30.000 in. at 12:00 am
+0.031 in. /hr
+0.050 in. /2 hr
Wind 0 mph  WSWWind from WSW
Last hour: 1.0 mph NW at 5:31am
Max day: 4.0 mph at 3:04 am
+0 mph /hr
+0 mph /2 hr
Rain 0.00 in. today
0.00 in. yest.
4 days without Rain
Month Rain: 2.50 in.
0.00 in. /hr
0.00 in. /3 hr
Wind Chill:
Dew Point:
28.6 °F
Wet Bulb:
31.9 °F
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Fast Facts

FLU PREVENTION - The single best way to protect against the flu is to get vaccinated each fall. Barring that, wash your hands often or use a hand sanitizer, avoid close contact with people who are sick, and avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth.

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